Drama Production
Staff Sponsors: Ms. Tupling & Mr. Ashley
Students audition to be part of the year’s drama production. Some years, the production competes against other schools at the Sears Drama Festival. Some examples of past plays include: The Rehearsal, Between the Lines, Departures & Arrivals, and To Date or Not to Date.
Improv Team & Club
Staff Sponsor: Mr. Ashley
5-4-3-2-1-IMPROV! Think on your toes and bring your comedic instincts to this dramatic extravaganza. Improv has a competitive team and a developmental club.
Staff Sponsor: Mr. Ashley
Join Mr. Ashley for an intense full-day experience where a play will be imagined, written, and performed all within the span of a day. The performance is held at night for parents and the school community.
Arts Council
Staff Sponsors: Ms. Shantz, Ms. Merritt, & Ms. Guild
The Arts Council is a group of students from grade 9-12 who work co-operatively to promote and raise awareness of “arts” related events in the school. The council encourages student involvement in the various areas of the arts – dance, drama, music, visual arts and SKY Radio as well as helps out at school art related events. The two major arts related activities the Arts Council helps with are MYART and the Arts Banquet.