Interim Report Card

Interim Report Cards will be distributed to students during their Homeroom period on Thursday, October 13. If you have spare first period you can pick up your Interim Report Card from the Main Office.

Kitchener Klash

The Senior Boys’ Football team faces KCI in this annual night game on Thursday, October 6 @ University of Waterloo’s Warrior Stadium. Kickoff is @ 6:15PM.  The gate opens at 5:30. The Juniors play against KCI at 4:15. This event is huge – over 800 fans attended last year!  Hitch a ride to the game […]

safeTALK training available for WRDSB parents & guardians

As part of our system goals to supporting student & staff wellness, we are pleased to offer safeTALK training for parents/guardians of the WRDSB. What is safeTALK? safeTALK is a three-hour alertness workshop that prepares participants, regardless of prior experience or training, to become a suicide alert helper. What are the goals and objectives of […]

PA Day – Friday, September 23

This is a reminder of our scheduled Professional Activity (PA) Day this Friday – Friday, September 23, 2016. There will be no school for WRDSB students. All elementary and secondary employee groups will be focusing on the new WRDSB Strategic Plan, School Improvement Planning, and Health and Safety Training. This will drive the work and […]

School Council Meeting

All parents are welcome to attend the first School Council Meeting of the year on Monday, September 26 @ 7:00PM in the Huron Heights Library. Hope to see you there. New Huron Heights parents are encouraged to attend.

Say ‘Hi’ Day

Thursday, September 22 is “Say ‘Hi’ Day”. Go on & say hi! Get to know each other, understand each other, be inclusive of each other and connect with each other. Huron Heights has proudly been participating in the ‘Say Hi’ campaign for the past 10 years. Join us for a game of BINGO at lunch […]

Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is looking for new members!

The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) invites parents/guardians of students currently enrolled in a Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) school and community members to apply for positions on the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee. The mandate for the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee is to: Provide information and advice on parent engagement to the WRDSB; Communicate with and […]

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