All students and staff must adhere to the current Covid-19 restrictions and protocols.
Change of Personal Information
Enhancement Fees (as determined by Board Policy)
- The basic cost of materials/activities for a course or program is provided through school operating budgets; therefore, no student is denied enrolment in any course because of an inability to pay.
- Successful completion of a required course or credit is not dependent on the payment of any course fee by a student.
- Each school defines/determines the basic materials required for courses.
- The school makes all basic materials essential for the completion of the program available to students at no extra cost.
- A course fee is only charged for supplies, services, or activities that are considered enhancements to the program or course.
- Fundraising revenues are directed to the supplies, services or activities that enhance programopportunities for students.
- Courses with enhancement fees are indicated in the course calendar. Any charges for supplies, services, or activities are reviewed with the School Council. (effective April 26, 2004).
- Students/families requiring financial assistance should contact any HHSS staff member or administrator. The staff member will ensure that the student’s issue is dealt with in an appropriate, sensitive and confidential manner.
Waterloo Region District School Board offers a 1:1 Chromebook program at all our Secondary Schools. Secondary students are assigned a Chromebook for their perusal while attending one of our schools. Students are responsible for bringing a fully-charged Chromebook to school daily (Loaner Chromebooks and chargers are not available).
If the Chromebook gets damaged (we get it, accidents happen) then students can drop the device off in the Main Office for assessment. Please note that there is no loaner stock available while the broken Chromebook is being assessed.
Should students move but still attend a Waterloo Region District School Board they will keep the assigned Chromebook for use at their new WRDSB school.
Should students leave our school board, the Chromebook must be returned to their school upon departure.
Upon graduation, students will also be required to return their Chromebook.
Field Trips
Some courses at Huron Heights will include visits to off-campus locations as part of the curriculum. These trips are a valuable addition to classroom studies. Off-campus activities require extra effort in planning and usually require the services and/or involvement of people in the community.
As ambassadors of our school, participating students are expected to be on their best behaviour. School policies will be adhered to on all field trips.
In most circumstances, field trips or excursions provide enhanced learning opportunities for students. They are optional and a participation fee may be charged. In some cases, where the field trip or excursion constitutes a vital part of the curriculum, alternate assignments are made available to students at no charge. Assessment practices will recognize the equivalency of the activities.
If a field trip or excursion forms part of the essential component of the curriculum and an alternate equivalent assignment is not provided, no charges will be levied.
Instructional Support Days & Blended Learning Days
Instructional Support Days
Students are not required to attend school in person on Instructional Support Days.
Instructional support days are designed to provide a mid-semester opportunity for students to catch up on missing work, submit work and receive direct individual support from their classroom teachers.
There are five such days each semester, with two that take place roughly in mid-semester and three that are placed at the end of each semester
Blended Learning Days
Secondary teachers will be engaging in Professional Development to support the expansion of de-streaming in the next school year.
For students, these days will be similar to our Instructional Support Days, where students are not required to attend in-person, but will have learning provided through the virtual classroom and live meetings with their teachers.
Attendance will be taken, but in-person attendance will be optional on these days. Students have the option to attend if arranged with the classroom teacher and approved by administration.
Textbooks & Library books
Students are responsible for all assigned textbooks and for other learning materials issued by the school.
- Textbooks & library books are on loan to the student in good condition.
- The student and his/her parents are responsible for any damage or loss.
- All textbooks and library books are scanned for tracking purposes.
- Textbooks & library books are to be returned in good condition once the sign out time has ended.
Daily Class Schedule
The Daily Class Schedule begins with the Territorial Land Acknowledgement and the playing of the National Anthem, ‘O Canada’.
The daily schedule consists of five classes. The school day will begin at 08:00 and will end at 2:35. Classes are 75 minutes in length.