Hey Huskies!  Due to weather conditions; exams and Semester 2 were shifted by 2 days, and yet, you showed resilience and determination to complete Semester 1 successfully.

Due to another snow day, report cards will be distributed on Friday, February 14th during period 1 class.  If you are absent, do not worry.  Your report card will be in the main office for pick up.  If you do not have a class in period 1, please pick up your report card in the main office.  All marks are available in myBlueprint.

Congratulations to our Semester 1 graduates and we wish the best of luck to our students who moved on to other schools. Reports will be sent to you.  Please return chromebooks, texts books or library books if you haven’t already.

We are proud of all of you!  GO HUSKIES!

Categories: Husky News