Students, we want to hear from you! Your voice will help us plan for the future of the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB).

Student Activities

Students will have time in class to complete one of the following two activities. You can also complete one of these activities at home.

These activities help us learn what you find important or special about school. We will use your answers in our strategic planning process. These two activities let you share your day-to-day experiences at school with us.

Students in Kindergarten to Grade 12 are invited to take part. You can pick any of the two activities or do both!

Activity #1: Postcard to the Future

Suggested Grades: 7 to 12


How to complete the Postcard to the Future activity:

An image of a postcard with the title "Dear Teacher" that asks the viewer to respond to this prompt: "Write a letter to your favourite teacher on your last day of school letting them know how they made you feel."

  • The postcard will ask students to “write a letter to your favourite teacher on your last day of school letting them know how they made you feel.”
  • Your answers will help us understand what students want out of school in the future.

Getting Started | Postcard to the Future

The deadline to submit the Postcard to the Future activity is the end of the day on Friday, April 1, 2022.

Activity #2: Draw Your Ideal School Day

Suggested Grades: Kindergarten to Grade 6


How to complete the Draw Your Ideal School Day (printable) activity:

Draw Your Ideal School Day

  • Students are asked to answer: “What would your ideal day at school look like?”
  • Students will respond to this question by drawing a timeline of their ideal day.
    • Students will draw eight images to represent what their ideal day looks like
  • Teachers will submit a picture or scan of students’ work to the Research Department.
    • If you finish drawing your day outside of class, take a picture of your work, and submit it online.

The deadline to submit the Draw Your Ideal School Day activity is the end of the day on Friday, April 1, 2022.

These activities are anonymous. We will not keep names or other personal information such as email addresses or student IDs on file. Only WRDSB staff, Trustees and staff from Overlap Associates will have access to your responses. We will keep all information in password-protected files on a secure computer for 7 years.

The WRDSB will use the information you share to develop our plans for the next school year. We may quote your responses to these activities, with identifying information removed.


If you have questions about these activities, please contact

Categories: Husky News