Thursday, January 28 is Bell Let’s Talk Day. We encourage our WRDSB family to participate and help end the stigma surrounding mental health.

The Bell Let’s Talk initiative is a day dedicated to raising awareness and continuing the mental health conversation. One in five Canadians will suffer from mental illness at some point in their lifetime. A big hurdle for anyone living with mental illness is overcoming the stigma, identified as a major reason why those struggling do not seek help.

Managing the shift of learning or working remotely has affected us in ways that we could never have imagined. Talking about mental health and the effect the COVID-19 pandemic is having on our students and staff will help open the lines of communication and create the safe space they need right now.

We recognize not everyone is experiencing the pandemic in the same way. Already vulnerable and marginalized communities are experiencing a disproportionately negative impact, which has profound mental health implications. The ongoing racism – interpersonal and systemic, both locally and around the world – further contributes to a decrease in wellness and has mental health impacts on our community.

That’s why, this year, more than ever, we need to support and comfort those who are struggling.

Having our students experience a caring learning environment, whether virtual or in-person, that addresses their well-being is crucial to their development and sense of belonging. We recognize and appreciate the relationship between student mental health and academic success.

Family Resources

We understand that many families are looking for support and resources for children who may be struggling with anxiety. The WRDSB has developed a Caregivers’ Guide to Accessing Support for Students With Anxiety to help.

It can be hard to speak with our children about mental health because it is not always easy to know the right things to say. Check out our online mental health and well-being resources for tips on getting the conversation started and how to access support for your child.

How Can I Participate in #BellLetsTalk?

Participating is as simple as tweeting or retweeting on Twitter, watching their official video on Facebook and Instagram, or adding their Bell Let’s Talk Facebook frame to your profile picture.

We invite you to follow and tag us on Twitter to join the larger conversation. Bell will donate 5 cents to support a variety of mental health programs in Canada each time the #BellLetsTalk hashtag is used and retweeted.

Sample Tweets

  • Good morning! 👋 Get those fingers tweetin’. 📱 For each tweet and RT using the #BellLetsTalk hashtag, @Bell will donate 5¢ to #mentalhealth programs in #Canada. What are you waiting for? Join me and @wrdsb to help change the conversation – let’s #EndTheStigma together. 🗣
  • Mental health matters to me and I want to be the change that helps #EndTheStigma with #BellLetsTalk. I am uniting with @wrdsb today.
  • I am a person my family and friends can talk to when they need support. #BellLetsTalk
  • There is strength in speaking up. Call, text, or virtually meet with a friend, family or trusted person. Even though we may not be physically together, you are not alone. #BellLetsTalk
  • Need support? If you or someone you know is struggling with their #mentalhealth, please contact @ConnexOntario, a 24-hour mental health helpline 1-866-531-2600. Or, if support is needed immediately, call 911. You’re not alone. It’s okay to reach out for help! #BellLetsTalk

Together, let’s help end the mental health stigma for our students, friends, loved ones, and everyone else around us.


In 2011, Bell started a campaign leveraging the popularity of social media. Over the years, it has grown to be an internationally recognized initiative with more than $113.4 million being donated to Canadian mental health initiatives and organizations.

Categories: Husky News