Dear Families and Students,

As we begin Quadmester 2 in our secondary schools and elementary schools prepare progress reports, we are taking this opportunity to hear from you.

This year, we will be connecting with you at different points during the school year. The purpose of these check-ins is to understand how you and your child feel about your learning experience and if the supports we have in place are meeting your needs, whether in-person or distance.

Your responses will help us determine how to continue to improve the ways we provide support and develop our plans for the rest of the school year.

Participating is voluntary, and all responses are anonymous. We will not collect any personal information. There are two surveys: 

The Family Survey: for parents and guardians of students in Kindergarten to Grade 12 

The Student Survey: for students in Grade 4 to 12. 

Students in Kindergarten to Grade 3 are invited to complete the Family survey with their parent/guardian. 

The survey is available until the end of the day on November 20, 2020.

Participate in the Survey


Let’s Connect! – Family Survey 

Let’s Connect! -Students in Grades 4-12 Survey


If you have questions about this survey, please contact

Categories: Husky News