As we return to our schools, it’s important that we remain focused on supporting our mental health and well-being. We know that these are stressful times for our students and their families and we want to highlight the resources available to help.

If you are worried about your child’s or your own well-being or mental health, please refer to resources provided by Children’s Mental Health Ontario.

For Students

Front Door

Front Door is your starting point for accessing child and youth mental health services and supports in Waterloo Region. They work with parents/caregivers, children and youth (up to their 18th birthday) who are struggling with life’s challenges such as emotions, behaviours, relationships and mental health. They listen, offer support and can help you identify the next steps, including access to other services. is a national youth website for young Canadians addressing the impact of COVID-19. The site brings together resources and self-help information through an innovative partnership between, SMH-ON and the Kids Help-Phone. Visit the site at

School Mental Health Ontario (SMHO)

SMHO works together with Ontario school districts to support student mental health and has created a resource to support students with their mental health during COVID-19.

View our website for the complete list of resources for students.

For Families

Caregivers’ Guides To Accessing Support For Students With Anxiety | WRDSB

The Caregivers’ Guide will help parents and caregivers to recognize signs their child may be struggling with anxiety, while also providing resources to help them succeed. This includes a variety of home-based strategies, as well as apps and online support for families of a student with anxiety.

Parents for Children’s Mental Health (PCMH)

Parents for Children’s Mental Health (PCMH) offers peer support for parents and caregivers of children experiencing mental health challenges through one on one phone calls and emails, as well as peer-to-peer virtual support groups.

Email: for more information.

Here 24/7

Here24/7 is your first step to access the addictions, mental health, and crisis services provided by 11 agencies across Waterloo-Wellington. All you need to do is reach out. They’ll work together with you to understand what you need and work to get you connected. Here24/7 does the intake, assessment, and referrals for most local government-funded addictions and mental health services. If you need a service outside of what Here 24/7 can offer, they’ll do their best to link you directly.

View our website for the complete list of resources for families.

Categories: Husky News