Hello from HHSS!

Walking students that have been assigned to Cohort B will have received a SchoolDay message today confirming such. We have encountered technical difficulties with the notification of Cohort A walking students. If you did not receive a SchoolDay message today confirming your assignment to a cohort, please assume that you have been assigned to Cohort A.

All students are encouraged to log on to myway to find their scheduled courses for Quadmester 1.  You will receive a paper copy of your timetable when you arrive at school.


Students who are in Cohort A will be attending school in person for the first time on Thursday September 17th for in-class learning.  This will be a regular school day from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm. 

Your first day of remote learning will be on Friday September 11th.  You will need to log into your course 1 that day.  

Please note, students are required to wear a mask at all times when inside the building.  In addition, the scheduled nutrition break requires students to stay in their assigned classroom. Students will not be permitted to leave their classroom until the end of the school day.  At this time, lockers are not available for student use and students must bring personal belongings to and from school daily. If you are a returning student and have not yet emptied your locker from last semester, please do so and remove your lock.


In preparation of your return to school, please reference:

HHSS Student Return to School FAQ

HHSS daily bell schedule

Student Daily Self Screening Tool


We are looking forward to seeing you soon!


Categories: Husky News